Monday, December 16, 2013

See you later, Copenhagen


First, I would like to apologize for my sudden and abrupt departure. This blog was birthed from boredom and unemployment. I needed something to keep my mind sharp and skills current while I prayed for a paying job. And then it came and I pushed this project aside like an old, formerly loved toy. Also, I figured that my new experiences as a newly employed, now financially secure person would have little resemblance to the struggling lifestyle I wrote about. Oh, how wrong I was.

Funny how a steady paycheck fails to eliminate some the problems I once faced. So now I'm back and ready to continue on the journey I started several months ago.

Second, I am no longer in Denmark. Like so many sad immigrants before me, I was forced to leave. I actually received a letter from the immigration office about a month before my residence permit expired which read (and I'm paraphrasing), "Your residence permit will expire on July 31st. Please be sure to leave the country before or on that date or you will face fines and will not be permitted to enter the country again for three or five years. Cheers!"

Of course I was stressed since I did not have 77,000 kroner nor a job offer that would pay the 31,250 kroner per month needed to turn my residence permit into a green card.  

So I looked elsewhere and was fortunate enough to land a job in nearby Germany. I made the leap in June and have been traveling around Europe for work for the past four months. 

Saying good-bye, or even see you later to Copenhagen was hard because I actually liked living in Copenhagen. Unlike many before me, I befriended native Danes. And I mean, they were/ are really my friends; we go out and have dinner together and they don't talk in Danish. I took the train to Germany and as my boyfriend started to count down the minutes before my train arrived, tears started pouring down my chubby cheeks. Leaving him and the life I had created there was like ripping out my heart. I still get a little sad when I think about it.

O well. Shit happens. I am currently in Munich, amassing new stories and having new adventures. So if you will allow me, I'll take you with me to this new and foreign land. There's so much to discover and hopefully you'll be there as I feel my way around. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. glad things worked out. sometimes i think that I'll be at that train station one day... sans boyfriend. :)
